South Padre Island - The Sandcastle Capital of the World - isn't for everyone. Thank goodness. But if you enjoy swimming, sandcastle building, windsurfing, fishing, surfing, beach reading, skim-boarding, fine dining, parasailing, happy-houring, bicycling, surfing, water-parking, shelling, bird watching, beach lounging, snorkeling, dancing, souvenir/beach clothing shopping, yoga, kayaking, horseback riding, dolphin-cruising, beach-strolling, go-carting, wave-riding, boogie-boarding, weight-training, kite-boarding, margarita-sipping and more in a tropical environment that is right here in Texas and requires no passport or special language skills... well, then South Padre Island just might be for you!
What's Shakin' on SOUTH PADRE ISLAND
See amazing sand sculpture all year round on the ONLY "Sand Sculpture Trail"
Yes we have a Clothing Optional Beach...
Farmers Market - Every Sunday, 11-1 at The Shores (956-343-5497)
Birdwalks - Every Sat. & Sun. at the SPI Birding & Nature Center (
