I created this site because I really love South Padre Island. I have lived here since 1985 and have no plans to leave. Ever.
I also do a lot of traveling related to my "other job" - professional sand sculpture - and so I spend a fair amount of time researching future destinations on the internet. I have found the most useful sites are those that offer more than typical Chamber of Commerce gloss and fluff.
If you find this site useful or interesting, there are three (3!) relatively painless ways you can support it -- and help keep me motivated.
1. Book a hotel room, condo, flight or rental car from here or here. I have made it easy to find rates and availability on SPI, but even locals traveling off the island can book in other parts of the country or the planet from these links. You get a good deal, I get a small commission, and everyone is happy.
2. If you own or operate a South Padre Island area business, consider advertising on this site. My rates are VERY reasonable for targeted advertising - for more info click here. All the banners on this site are SPI-related - local businesses offering good and services that you are goona need and want - so be sure to click on them LOTS!
3. TELL SOMEBODY about this site. Tell your bartender you saw her picture on SPIonline. Tell your waiter you found the restaurant from a link on the SPIonline dining page. Tell the reservationist that sandy feet recommended her agency.
While these little dropped breadcrumbs may not translate directly into cash, they do translate very quickly into good will. And good will is invaluable to a person who has been heard to say, "I work real hard at not having a real job." Good will can get me a free cocktail, a discount on my dinner, or maybe even a new web client....
-sandy feet